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Brass, bronze & tin
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Pair of Gustavian marble candles ticks with fire gilt mountings. Sweden ...
Police badge, brass and wood, Denmark circa 1750. L: 15cm
Pair of Danish Baroque castle candlesticks circa 1750. H: 21cm. Base: ...
An early and rare Baroque gilt chandelier Sweden or France circa 1720-30. H: ...
Pair of early 19th century French firegilt bronze candlesticks. France circa ...
Pair of bell shaped early Baroque pewter candle sticks. Northern Germany ...
Pair of pewter candlesticks circa 1840. H: 20,5cm
Baroque brass latern. Denmark or Sweden circa 1750. H: 70cm
Baroque brass latern made circa 1750. H: 47cm
Baroque brass Latern mad circa 1750. H: 42cm
Early 18th century Baroque Bronze holy water pot. H: 30cm
Pair of Baroque brass candlesticks Denmark circa 1740. H: 18cm
Hymn board with nine brass numbers circa 1750. Size: 102x69cm
Pair of early 19th century firegilt bronze candelabra. Paris circa 1800. H: 63cm
Pair of gilt Rococo style bronze candlesticks. H: 21cm
Pair of mid 19th century bronze candlesticks. France circa 1840-60. H: 23,5cm
Pair of fire gilt Empire bronze candlesticks. France circa 1820. H: 34cm
Pair of firegilt bronze candlesticks on a marble base. Sweden circa 1840. H: ...
Pair of candlesticks with landscape motives. Germany circa 1840. H: 19,5cm
French Rococo Snuff box circa 1760. H: 3,5cm. L: 7cm
Pair of tulip shaped red decorated pewter candelsticks. Denmark circa 1840. ...
Pair of black lacquered candlesticks with gilt landscape and ornamental ...
Pair of yellow decorated pewter candlesticks. Denmark circa 1840. H: 20,5cm
Pair of brass blakers. Denmark circa 1850. H: 46cm. W: 26cm
A pair of green and yellow decorated pair of candle sticks. Denmark circa ...
A pair of Baroque style brass blakers. Circa 1860-80. H: 67cm. W: 32cm
An early 17th century brass candlestick. H: 36cm
A pair of early 18th century brass candle holders. Diameter 9,6cm. D: 20cm
A Swedish late 19th century pewter cup. Circa 1880. H: 21cm
A 17th century Northgerman pewter cup dated 1657. Stamped. H: 23cm
A pair og gilt early 19th century bronce candlesticks. France circa 1810. H: ...
Double lighter, brass
Denmark around 1830
A pair of brass candle holders
Denmark around 1760
Set of four candle holders, marble and bronze
France around 1810
Tobacco can, brass and copper
Netherlands around 1760
A pair of baroque tin candle holders, around 1750
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Aabenraa Antikvitetshandel
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DK - 6200 Aabenraa
Cell: +45 40 83 55 83