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Aabenraa Antikvitetshandel

Axel Salto vase

We buy

Vase, Axel Salto
H: 14cm
Item number: 25307

Shipped insured and free of charge throughout Denmark

  • WorldAntique.net item number: 232611
  • Category: Sold

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A rare Heuer Monaco ref. 1133B. Automatic. Year 
1970. 40x40mm. Very good condition

A rare Heuer Monaco ref. 1133B. Automatic. Year 1

Signed Danish Rococo bureau from the royal castle 
Hirscholm by Mathias Ortmann, Copenhagen circa 
1750. Gilt walnut with the original mirror. 
Ortmann was the leading Rococo cabinetmaker in 
H: 258cm. W: 110cm. D: 62c

Signed Danish Rococo bureau from the royal castle

Jørgen Groth, writing desk of the mayor

Jørgen Groth, writing desk of the mayor

Sterlingsilver brooch by Kay Bojesen, 1886-1958, 
Denmark, 1913-20. Size: 5x7,5cm

Sterlingsilver brooch by Kay Bojesen, 1886-1958,


Aabenraa Antikvitetshandel Nørreport 16 DK - 6200 Aabenraa
Cell: +45 40 83 55 83




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