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Aabenraa Antikvitetshandel

Vilhelm Kyhn, Denmark, 1819-1903, oil on canvas. Signed and dated 1878. Visible size: 46x36cm. With frame: 55x45cm


Vilhelm Kyhn, Denmark, 1819-1903, oil on canvas
Signed and dated 1878
Visible size: 46x36cm. With frame: 55x45cm
Item number: 28914

Shipped insured and free of charge throughout Denmark

  • WorldAntique.net item number: 379408
  • Category: Sold

Other products in this category

Arno Malinowski, 1899-1976, for Royal Copenhagen: 
A large comport. H: 20cm. D: 37cm

Arno Malinowski, 1899-1976, for Royal Copenhagen:

Asger Jorn, 1914-74, litograph. "Sujet 
Romantique". 71/100. Signed "Jorn 53". Visible 
size: 54x64cm. With frame: 61x72cm

Asger Jorn, 1914-74, litograph. "Sujet Romantique

A small enamel decorated glass. Circa 1860. H: 9cm

A small enamel decorated glass. Circa 1860. H: 9cm

Bing & Grøndahl figurine 1953. H: 37cm

Bing & Grøndahl figurine 1953. H: 37cm


Aabenraa Antikvitetshandel Nørreport 16 DK - 6200 Aabenraa
Cell: +45 40 83 55 83




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