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Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted Half Lace Egg Cups No. 542 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half-lace pepper shaker no. 711 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half-lace chocolate jug with lid No. 722 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half lace large cake plate no. 617 - 17 cm. |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted Half lace bowl no. 427 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half-lace sauce terrine no. 588 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace oval salt bowl no. 755 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace dish no. 598 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace set op 12 coffee cups no. 756 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace large rare fish dish No. 637 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half-lace small coffee pot no. 518 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace sugar bowl No. 605 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace dish no. 533 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half-lace cream cup no. 743 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace bowl on foot
No. 511 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace dish no. 613 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace bowl no. 557 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace coffee pot no. 519 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace round dish no. 761 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half-lace dish No. 522 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace dinner plate no. 625 - 25 cm. |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace teapot no. 611 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half-lace butter bowl no. 502 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half-lace dish No. 552 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half-lace dish No. 522 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace sugar bowl No. 605 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half-lace small milk jug No. 561 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half-lace bowl No. 511 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace square bowl No. 708 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace triangular dish no. 515 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace sugar bowl no. 657 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace coffee pot no. 519 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace teacup No. 525 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace dish no. 532 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half-lace dish No. 552 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace leaf-shaped dish No. 548 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace large soup plate no. 656 - 25 cm. |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace dish no. 531 - 25 cm. |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace round dish no. 761 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half lace celery dish no. 714 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace cake plate no. 575 - 15,5 cm. |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace cream jug No. 522 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace mustard jar no. 744 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half lace large dish No 534 - 41 cm. |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace soup plate no. 566 - 21 cm. |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-blonde broth cup with lid and saucer No. |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace dish no. 533 - 36.5 cm. |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace large teacup no. 656 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-blonde cake plate no. 575 - 15.5 cm. 1898-1923 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-blonde large coffee cup No. |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half lace soup plate no. 659 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace large coffee pot no. 520 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace soup plate No. 566, 21 cm. 1923-35 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half-lace full-flat lunch plate no. 578 - 22.5 cm. 1898-1923 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace dish no. 552 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted Full Lace Sauce Jug no. 583 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half lace soup plate no. 566 - 21 cm. 1898-1923 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace dinner plate no. 571 - 25.5 cm. |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace cream jug No. 522 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace butter cup No. 504 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace cream jug no. 522 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace large cake plate no. 574 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half lace full-flat dinner plate No. 577 - 24.5 cm. |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half lace large dish no 534 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-blonde coffee cup No. 713 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace dish no. 532 - 30 cm. |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half lace salt shaker no. 712 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted Half Lace Large Whole-Flat Dish No. 643 - 1894-1900 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Flutet half lace plate no. 572 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted halflace plate no. 653 - 14,5 cm. |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace sauce bowl no. 587 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted halflace Lace espresso cup no. 528 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted Half Lace Coffee Cup no. 756 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half lace coffee cup no. 719 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue fluted half-lace large oval tureen with saucer no. 597/600 |
Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted half-lace cake plate no. 576 |